Month: February 2024


Storm Preparedness for Trees in Lexington

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Storm Preparedness for Trees in Lexington

Tree work during a storm requires special skills, equipment and a whole lot of dogged determination. It’s dangerous, stressful and often rewarding work for those who do it.

Trimming trees before a storm is important to keep them safe and healthy. It’s also a good idea to remove debris from your property that could block or damage doors or windows during severe weather.

1. Trim Your Trees

During high wind events, tree limbs can fall and damage property or become dangerous projectiles that injure people or cause vehicle or structure damage. Keeping up with routine trimming helps prevent such problems.

Regular pruning and trimming improves tree health by removing diseased, dead, or overhanging branches, which frees up resources for growth and enhances the beauty of your landscape. It also allows sunlight and air to reach lower parts of the canopy more effectively.

If you have trees that are in poor condition, consult a tree service professional  for pruning or removal to prevent damage during storms. Trees can be damaged by lightning, high winds or even snow and ice accumulation. An arborist can assess a tree’s overall strength and health to help you make the …


Identifying and Managing Tree Pests in Lexington

Identifying and Managing Tree Pests in Lexington

When trees and shrubs get diseased or attacked by insects, symptoms can look similar to the natural condition of a tree. Examples include stippled, yellow, or dry foliage or bark holes.

Homeowners may need to look for early warning signs of these problems on their property. Lexington KY Tree Services Certified Arborists are available to assist with the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions as they arise in Lexington.

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium wilt is caused by the fungus, Verticillium dahliae. The fungus invades susceptible plants by entering wounds and through root buttresses. Once in the plant, the fungus grows upward within vascular tissue plugging water conducting vessels and restricting flow to leaves and roots.

Trees and shrubs that are infected with verticillium wilt can be saved with proper watering and fertilization. Watering regularly and fertilizing with a low nitrogen, high phosphorous formula can improve vigor. Pruning dead or diseased branches and disinfecting pruning tools between cuts is also important.

Some trees (such as maples) are very susceptible to this disease, while others may have resistance. The fungus can sometimes be contained behind barriers of new wood, allowing symptoms to moderate or even disappear …