
How to Select the Best Physical Therapist for You

When you find a physical therapist you feel comfortable with, it can greatly improve your treatment experience. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all therapists are created equal.

A great therapist like la clinica chicago will be transparent and explain their approach to your recovery in clear understandable language they will also be able to provide you with realistic expectations and timelines.

Ask for Recommendations

If someone you trust has had a great experience with a physical therapist, it is a good idea to ask for their recommendation. This may lead you to find a therapist who is both qualified and an excellent fit for you and your personality.

During your first consultation you should look for a therapist who clearly and confidently explains their approach to treatment. They should also make you feel comfortable, and be able to answer any questions that you might have.

Inquire about whether or not they accept your health insurance and the amount of your deductible, copayment, or out-of-pocket cost before beginning treatment. This will help you avoid any surprises or unexpected expenses down the road. It is a good idea to inquire about the therapist’s rate of reimbursement for …

The Best Post-Workout Foods for Recovery

When you sweat you lose more than water you also lose electrolytes which are essential for maintaining proper muscle function. Ideally, you want to replace these nutrients right after your workout not hours later.

Carbs are a key post-workout nutrient for replenishing your energy stores but avoid salty foods. A PB&J sandwich provides both carbohydrates and protein while a brown rice bowl is loaded with carbs, fiber and nutrients.


A banana contains simple carbohydrates to replenish glycogen used for fuel during exercise and is packed with potassium, which helps reduce muscle cramps and aids recovery. Eating the fruit after a workout also provides a dose of vitamin B6. The vitamin boosts a compound in the body that regulates levels of homocysteine, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.

You can eat the fruit on its own or pair it with protein for an ideal post-workout snack. If you choose to combine the foods, make sure your protein source is lean, like a scoop of whey protein powder or a nut butter. Avoid high-fat options such as cookies or candy, which may slow your recovery and cause digestive issues.

In addition to being carb-rich, the food can help you …