Home Improvement

How to Improve Your Home for a New Beginning

The New Year is a time for fresh starts, and there’s no better way to start than by improving your home. A few small changes can make your old home feel brand new.

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Get an Inspection

If you’re buying a new home, having a thorough home inspection is the best way to ensure that it has all the important stuff in place before moving in. It will uncover issues like mold or water damage, any do-it-yourself projects that aren’t up to code, and more. Likewise, if you’re doing major renovations on your current home, it’s worth having an inspector look at the property before you start so that they can assess how much work will be needed to bring the finished product up to code and standard.

Those who are selling their homes should also consider getting a pre-inspection before planting the for-sale sign. That way, you’ll know about potential red flags ahead of time so that you can address them before a prospective buyer raises his or her eyebrows and sends the deal into limbo.

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