Myrtle Tucker

Top Roofing Materials for Your Home

When it comes to roofs, there are many factors to consider longevity and durability, climate compatibility, energy efficiency and aesthetics. Slate is a beautiful roofing material that is expected to last 100 years or more.

It pairs well with traditional, historic and craftsman-style homes. However, it is heavy and requires extra framing during installation.

Certified Roofing Services Portland roofing experts trust our top-rated solutions for reliable, certified and professional roofing services in Portland, Oregon.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material and offer excellent value for the money they protect homes from the elements and add a lot of curb appeal.

They’re available in a wide range of colors, so you can find the perfect shade to complement your home. Many also have algae-resistant granules that can reduce black streaks caused by blue-green algae growth.

You can choose from a variety of architectural styles, too. 3-tab shingles are traditional and work well on most homes, while architectural (laminated) shingles offer more design options, like different textures. You can even find shingles that imitate the look of other materials, such as slate or cedar shakes.

Luxury shingles are another option that adds extra curb appeal to your roof. …

5 SEO Strategies for Small Business Success

Small business owners often struggle to make it onto Google’s first page of search results this is where SEO comes in SEO or search engine optimization is a digital marketing strategy that helps businesses compete against larger competitors.

To do this, companies must understand how Google search works this article covers 5 small business SEO strategies to help your website gain visibility. How small business SEO consultants can boost your online presence.

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important small business SEO strategies. It helps you identify the keywords that your target audience is using to search for products and services like yours. This will help you create content that is relevant to your target audience and improves your chances of ranking for those keywords.

When choosing your keywords, remember to be realistic. A keyword may have high search volume, but if it’s too competitive or irrelevant to your business, you won’t rank highly. Having a mix of long-tail and short-tail keywords is also important.

Another important small business SEO strategy is to use competitor analysis to gain insight into what your competitors are doing. You can do this by using tools such as Ahrefs, Wordstream, …

Top Sports with Highest Paying Careers 2023

Sports have always been a source of entertainment, passion, and athleticism. For many, they are more than just a game; they’re a pathway to fame, fortune, and a lifelong career. While not all athletes make it to the big leagues, there are several sports that offer lucrative career opportunities for those who excel.

Football (Soccer)

Football, known as soccer in the United States, is the world’s most popular sport. With a massive global following, it’s no surprise that top footballers earn astronomical salaries. Players like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have become household names, not just for their incredible skills but also for their staggering incomes. These superstars sign multi-million-dollar contracts with top clubs, in addition to lucrative endorsement deals. Football offers a remarkable opportunity for athletes to achieve financial success while doing what they love.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) in the United States is home to some of the highest-paid athletes in the world. Players like LeBron James and Stephen Curry have achieved both sporting greatness and substantial wealth. With lucrative television deals and sponsorship arrangements, the earnings potential for NBA players is astounding. International basketball leagues, such as the EuroLeague, also offer competitive salaries for top …

The Best Post-Workout Foods for Recovery

When you sweat you lose more than water you also lose electrolytes which are essential for maintaining proper muscle function. Ideally, you want to replace these nutrients right after your workout not hours later.

Carbs are a key post-workout nutrient for replenishing your energy stores but avoid salty foods. A PB&J sandwich provides both carbohydrates and protein while a brown rice bowl is loaded with carbs, fiber and nutrients.


A banana contains simple carbohydrates to replenish glycogen used for fuel during exercise and is packed with potassium, which helps reduce muscle cramps and aids recovery. Eating the fruit after a workout also provides a dose of vitamin B6. The vitamin boosts a compound in the body that regulates levels of homocysteine, which can lead to heart disease and stroke.

You can eat the fruit on its own or pair it with protein for an ideal post-workout snack. If you choose to combine the foods, make sure your protein source is lean, like a scoop of whey protein powder or a nut butter. Avoid high-fat options such as cookies or candy, which may slow your recovery and cause digestive issues.

In addition to being carb-rich, the food can help you …

How to Improve Your Home for a New Beginning

The New Year is a time for fresh starts, and there’s no better way to start than by improving your home. A few small changes can make your old home feel brand new.

An introductory paragraph is the first thing a reader reads, and it must grab their attention so they’ll stay engaged throughout your article.

Get an Inspection

If you’re buying a new home, having a thorough home inspection is the best way to ensure that it has all the important stuff in place before moving in. It will uncover issues like mold or water damage, any do-it-yourself projects that aren’t up to code, and more. Likewise, if you’re doing major renovations on your current home, it’s worth having an inspector look at the property before you start so that they can assess how much work will be needed to bring the finished product up to code and standard.

Those who are selling their homes should also consider getting a pre-inspection before planting the for-sale sign. That way, you’ll know about potential red flags ahead of time so that you can address them before a prospective buyer raises his or her eyebrows and sends the deal into limbo.

For …

2023 SEO Algorithm Updates: What You Need to Know

Google makes algorithm changes on a regular basis, but core updates are more significant. These changes are aimed at continually refining search results to provide more relevant, high-quality content.

The broad core update launched on March 15 and completed its rollout on March 28. It targeted all content types across all regions and languages, promoting and rewarding pages that offer helpful information.

1. On-page optimization

When Google scans and assesses a webpage, it looks at many on-page SEO factors to determine its relevance and usefulness to searchers. This means creating valuable content that meets user intent is more important than ever before.

On-page SEO refers to optimizing the elements on a web page that are visible to Google crawlers, such as titles and meta descriptions, as well as HTML elements that aren’t displayed but are used by search engines to understand the content of a page, such as image alt text and internal links. In addition, on-page optimization includes making sure that URLs are descriptive and relevant to the page’s content.

It also involves using keywords in a natural and meaningful way avoiding keyword stuffing and overusing keywords. Finally, on page seo includes improving the user experience of a web …

Top Business Ideas for High Returns

Many small businesses require significant investment to get started. However, profitability is still within reach even with a low-cost business idea.

Digital marketing services like SEO or website design offer a solid profit potential. Other lucrative ideas include dog-sitting, cleaning services and real estate.

Virtual assistants are in demand. So are people who can write well and help with bookkeeping and tax preparation.

Website Design

Creating and maintaining websites is a lucrative business that can yield high returns. However, ensuring that your website is attractive to users and aligns with your brand requires some effort.

Website design consists of both aesthetic and functional elements. Aesthetics include the layout, images and text; functionality includes the site’s speed, search engine optimization and ability to capture audience attention.

A mobile food shop is a low-cost small business idea that can generate good revenue. With this business, you can sell customized products with your designs like basic tees, cool tank tops, sneakers towels among others. The best thing is that you can start this business from home and do it with little or no capital. Moreover, this business is highly profitable as people cannot resist tasty and hygienic fast foods.

Cleaning Services

Whether cleaning …